Welcome to My Website!

I'm thrilled that you've dropped by my personal corner on the web. Allow me to introduce myself and give you a sneak peek into what you'll find here.

About Me

I'm Eric Fay Huynh, a passionate explorer of the world of data and technology. With a background in biology and a keen interest in data analytics and web development, I'm on a journey of continuous learning and growth.

My Work Experience

After earning my Bachelor of Science in General Biology, I embarked on a career path that led me to my current role as a Data Enthusiast. I'm excited to share my experiences and insights with you.

What You'll Discover

As you navigate through the tabs on this site, you'll get to know me on multiple levels:

  • Home: This current page.
  • About: Dive deeper into my background, journey, and personal interests.
  • Work: Explore my professional experiences and achievements.
  • Portfolio: Check out some of the exciting projects I've worked on.
  • Contact: Feel free to reach out to me – I'd love to connect!

Whether you're interested in getting to know me personally, exploring my professional endeavors, or seeing the results of my projects, you'll find something here that resonates with you. So, go ahead, click around, and don't hesitate to get in touch.

Myself, at Lower Yosemite Fall Vista Point, July 2022.